Attitude and Ideas: Year Zero Tartan Features 2017 Review
Attitude and Ideas: Year Zero Tartan Features 2017 Review “Great art always comes from attitude and ideas” so said the Gang of Four. This...

GSFF2016 Experience 4 - Alison Piper and Stalactites
Hello TF followers - Alison here again with a belated GSFF round up. (part 1) My blogging became a bit lax because as I learned, at a...

GSFF2016 Experience- Alison Piper and Stalactites
Hello TF followers - Alison Piper here, I will be blogging for TF all week from the Glasgow Short Film Festival where my first film...

GSFF2016 Experience - Alison Piper and Stalactites
So… It was an eventful first day at GSFF yesterday and not in the way I expected - I wasn’t at all on my radar that I would end up...