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Scottish Shorts of the Past 2- 'Laid Off' by Zam Salim

As part of our Scottish Shorts Database we'll be curating some of the best, with the aim of eventually having a full channel of the best Scottish Shorts from the past.

For film2, here's the excellent Laid Off by Zam Salim. Like Shell, it was also re-made into a feature and later retitled Up There. Up There is still very good but looses a lot of the charm of the short.

'Martin (1966-2002) introduces himself. More than three years ago, he was struck by a car in the city centre; he died of the injuries. Now he wanders the streets, unseen by the living, waiting to find out if he'll be sent up or down. He fills his days walking, going to movies, and thinking. He regrets that he didn't dispose of his stash of pornography - he meant to. His grieving widow found it. Every two weeks, he goes to grief therapy. He waits.'

BAFTA Scotland - Best Film

Jim Poole Award - Best Film and Audience Award

Riverrun International Film Festival - Best Film

Laid Off – Zam Salim - enjoy!

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