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Review Roundup: Darkness Comes

David Newbigging's psychological horror, Darkness Comes, has been making its way around the horror community over the last few weeks, with some high praise and insightful reviews.

The Rotting Zombie gave it 8 Rotting Zombie heads out of a possible 10 (no really, go check out their gruesome rating bar), calling it a "claustrophobic horror that utilises the limitations of the small location to craft a captivating and mysterious film," and giving a special shout-out to "the oppressive unrelenting score that grinds its way into your mind," throughout its 67-minute duration.

The first line of Christopher Zisi of Zisi Emporium for B-Movies write-up is one of the most eye-catching observations we've seen in a review:

Pre-marital sex in horror films never turns out like its supposed to.

And it certainly doesn't in Darkness Comes! Calling it "a film that merges the uncomfortable dread of the Japanese horror classic "Audition" with the 'something beyond our understanding is on its way' horror of a H.P. Lovecraft epic," Zisi concludes that "Darkness Comes a dark horror story featuring a sultry vixen and a nerdy arrangement many of us can relate to."

Corin of Sick Flix picks up on the liberation for horror filmmakers that has come with a revolution in technology, praising the film's creative use of location, the performances from the three cast members and its "tight pacing." "For viewers want to indulge in an unusual and exceptionally well crafted film," says Corin, "this is an indie movie that gets it right."

Who are we to argue?

You can stream Darkness Comes on Amazon Prime now.

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